Mnero is a small village in a remote location in southern Tanzania, about 40 km away from the District capital of Nachingwea. It belongs to the Catholic Diocese of Lindi. Mnero hospital was built almost 70 years ago.The hospital currently has about 100 beds and a staff of roughly 60. It provides all essential medical services for the very rural population that hardly has access to any other place for medical treatment.You can support by donating either the Dutch Foundation: Stichting Mnero or German Foundation: Solidarität Mnero bank account number.Name: Stichting MneroBank: Triodos BankIBAN: NL24TRIO0379734818BIC/SWIFT: TRIONL2UName: Solidarität Mnero Bank: Volksbank Dortmund Nordwest Account number: 410 083 67 00Bank code: 440 601 22IBAN: DE25 4406 0122 4100 8367 00BIC/ SWIFT: