Non-profit cultural association founded in 1995.It promotes local and international initiatives to develop personal and social growth, intercultural learning and active participation in society. It combines more than 25 years of experience with constant updating that aims at innovation in its areas of interest. It has always achieved significant results in creation and implementation in its main fields: transnational internships (VET), training of citizens and operators, non-formal education of young people and adults, especially in projects in the frame of the European Program Erasmus + and the European Solidarity Corps. It is characterized and recognized for the work on international mobility, both abroad as reception in Italy, also in order to make it more accessible to different targets through information, guidance and project design. In the field of guidance it was for about ten years a training body accredited by the Veneto region and a point of the Eurodesk network. Since 2010 it is a local chair point of the Euroguidance network. In the local field Xena is very active. In addition to joining projects promoted by other organizations it promotes and coordinates innovative pathways to catalyze social-cultural processes, both by networking different subjects and by involving citizens in initiatives that include intercultural dialogue and development of alternative economies. Xena's team consists of trainers, experts in European programs, educators, psychologists, animators, facilitators, experts in youth training, information and guidance, language teachers. All team members use Italian and English as their work-language, most of them also speak Spanish and other languages. The role of voluntary work provided at all levels by members, both Italian and of various nationalities, is extremely valuable.