Florencia Lucchini's Contact Details
CRRE - Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitacion Equino (Equestrian Rescue and Rehab Centre)
Florencia Lucchini's Company Details

Somos una ONG, situada en Buenos Aires, Argentina, que trabaja en la rehabilitación de equinos maltratados, rescatados en situaciones de emergencia, negligencia o abandono. Apostamos a concientizar a la sociedad para poder erradicar la tracción a sangre animal\\We are a NGO, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which struggles to rehabilitate horses rescued in the worst conditions due to mistreatment, negligence or abandonment. We aim to raise awareness about animal traction vehicles, which is the main cause of the problems we fight against.\\El CRRE cuenta continuamente con una población de 30 caballos con distintas y complejas patologías, habiendo dado en adopción responsable, a más de 60 caballos en 2 años.\También tenemos 4 caballos amputados, siendo uno de los pocos Centros en el mundo que le dan la posibilidad de vivir a caballos con 3 miembros.\\We take care of around 30 horses permanently, with different and complex pathologies. Over the last 2 years, more than 60 horses have been given in responsible and systematically - monitored adoption. We have given 4 horses the possibility to live with 3 legs, being one of the few institutions around the globe, that allow horses living that way.\\#Apadriná #Doná #SéVoluntario #Difundí #Adoptá #SalvaUnaVida\#BeASponsor #Donate #Volunteer #SpreadTheVoice #SaveALife\\DONACIONES / DONATIONS INFORMATION\Banco Provincia / Provincia Bank\Cta Cte / Account #: 0505994\Sucursal / Subsidiary: 7031\CBU #: 0140092201703105059940\CUIT #: 30-71500285-6\Titular de la cuenta / Account´s name: CENTRO DE RESCATE Y REHABILITACION EQUINO\\Teléfonos para emergencias / Phone # for emergencies: +54 9 11 6903 7345 or +54 9 11 4189 8521\\- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/centro_crre/\- TWITTER: https://twitter.com/crre_centrocrre\- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/crre.centro.de.rescate.equino/\- YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrY7VMP3wuwaLLuQIifu5yA\✉ E-mail: info@crre.com.ar

Details about CRRE - Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitacion Equino (Equestrian Rescue and Rehab Centre)
Frequently Asked Questions about Florencia Lucchini
Florencia Lucchini currently works for CRRE - Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitacion Equino (Equestrian Rescue and Rehab Centre).
Florencia Lucchini's role at CRRE - Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitacion Equino (Equestrian Rescue and Rehab Centre) is Voluntaria.
Florencia Lucchini's email address is ***@crre.com.ar. To view Florencia Lucchini's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Florencia Lucchini works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Florencia Lucchini's colleagues at CRRE - Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitacion Equino (Equestrian Rescue and Rehab Centre) are Mailen Errea and others.
Florencia Lucchini's phone number is
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