FlexFunds was founded in 2011 with the mission to provide unique and innovative solutions that facilitate the distribution and growth of investment products for asset managers. Today, FlexFunds is globally recognized as a best-in-class service provider for the administration of securitized assets. We support liquid and alternative investments for financial institutions around the world.- Over 1.5 Billion under administration- More than 250 Issuances- 30+ Countries with Securitized Assets- 200+ Clients around the worldWhat can securitization do for you?PACKAGE CUSTOM OPPORTUNITIESWe provide custom investment vehicles that areefficient and cost effectiveREACH WORLDWIDE INVESTORSOur programs allow securities to be easilydistributed to investors globally.INTEGRATED PRODUCT ADMINISTRATIONWe are supported by worldwide trusted financialand legal institutions.