Bilishi讓你品嚐真正由比利時人做的列日鬆餅。\我們是鬆餅供應商,不是咖啡店 :)\Description\Bilishi是由來自比利時布魯塞爾的比利時人所經營的,我們的列日鬆餅也是目前在台灣,唯一由比利時人親手製作而成的店家。\\由於我們對於產品品質之堅持,所有鬆餅的原物料絕不使用香精香料,而鬆餅的製作及配方都是採用比利時最傳統、最道地的方法,所以我們強調不使用"鬆餅粉"製作鬆餅來節省成本及時間。\\\這就是為什麼我們的鬆餅吃起來的口感這麼的不一樣。\\\Bilishi waffles are made in a traditional Belgian way, by a Belgian chef, with quality ingredients only. We make a point of never use waffle powder, chemical products or any other easy way to make our waffles. \That makes Bilishi the only provider of "real" Belgian waffles in Taiwan till now.\\\Bilishi是比利時鬆餅供應商,不是咖啡店,所以鬆餅皆是以冷凍方式販售,烘烤過後,冷卻直接冷凍保存,才能讓您吃到跟現烤出來的口味一模一樣。而保存及準備方法都非常的方便、簡單。\不過,我們有提供個人訂購及團購服務,但是最低訂購數量為一盒十入。\\We are a waffle supplier, not a coffee shop. Our key business is providing independent coffee shops and restaurants with quality Belgian waffles. \Bilishi waffles are sold and delivered frozen. Storage and preparation are really simple and convenient. \We also provide individuals, group orders, events and others. \Our waffles are available in boxes of 10 units.