Purchasing Manager at Multi Channel Systems GmbH - Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Multi Channel Systems, a division of Harvard Bioscience, Inc., focuses on the development of precision scientific measuring instrumentation and equipment in the field of electrophysiology for research groups at universities and for the pharmaceutical industry. We provide solutions for extra-cellular recordings with microelectrode arrays in vitro and in vivo as well as for electrical stimulation. Moreover, we offer devices for the automatic injection and intracellular recording of oocyte ion channels. Because of their modular principle, our products can be extended and adjusted to your specific experimental needs. Apart from their flexibility, our products fit into your laboratories because of their size. Together with our distribution partners, we serve laboratories, research institutes and the pharmaceutical industry all over the world. Over 20 years of experience and our international distribution network make us the global market leader in the field of non-clinical electrophysiology with microelectrode arrays.