Quantum Operator at National Research Consortium at Innovation Pointe Labs (NRC) - Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
INTERCONNECTIONS OF INTELLIGENCE AND INNOVATIONThe National Research Consortium is built upon three guiding principles necessary to address our nation's current energy challenges: COLLABORATION, COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE and ANALYTICS.COLLABORATION is a critical component in our global energy future. External partnerships are vital. NRC fosters collaborations across multiple stakeholder platforms including: university research, electric cooperatives, energy providers, government stakeholders and consumers. COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE built upon sound, practical scientific and technological research is critical to collaborative success. Our country's long-term energy challenges will be best achieved by academia and industry sharing data and knowledge.ANALYSIS of collective data leads to the information sharing necessary for businesses to measure their adaptive capacity. By pooling data through collective intelligence supported by strong collaborations, the energy industry can maximize their knowledge investment.