Our mission is to build the conditions for communities to overcome poverty. Through locally-led partnerships we develop and implement common sense solutions to community poverty and build capacity in areas of education, health, economic opportunty, nutrition and food access, governance and arts & culture.3 billion lives are affected by a lack of access to basic sanitation, safe drinking water, quality education, proper medical care, and effective Governance- just several of the basic necessities for strong communities that give individuals a fights chance. These are common, life threatening issues that absolutely have solutions. The fact is that solutions to these problems have already been developed; it is not simply about discovery, it is about implementation. Demand for clear, measurable, inclusive, effective, and sustainable action is what we strive for.Aya Worldwide bases its existence and approach on a process of social, political, and individual behavior change. In order to realize these changes we hold ourselves to four fundamental principles.1. Humility 2. Respect for all people 3. Transparency 4. Continuous improvement/learning