Berkeley is a small rural town situated halfway between Gloucester and Bristol near the southern border of Gloucestershire. Our school is an integral part of this close-knit and loyal community, and is a very open and welcoming place where we provide a balanced and stimulating programme of education for all children we teach. We encourage all children to attain the highest academic standards in all subjects and firmly believe that we can offer opportunities in which all children can succeed.The school grounds comprise an extensive playing field, school pool, and conservation areas. Berkeley is a one-form entry primary with approximately 190 pupils on roll, organised into single-age classes. Pupils' attainment on entry represents the full ability range. We also have a pre-school, wrap-around provision and a holiday club.The children are taught by a dedicated and hard-working team of teachers and teaching assistants. In addition to delivering the curriculum, the staff offer a wide range of after school activities including football, rugby, netball, rounders, cricket, cooking, art, and choir.The staff team is well supported by a committed Governing Body and an enthusiastic and hard-working Fundraising Group, who annually raise significant funds for the school, as well as providing social activities. We also have a Pupil Council that meets regularly. We are active in developing strong links with the community and are constantly improving our website to promote the school more widely.