Cardio Health is a hardware-based digital platform that combines IOT and blockchain technology to track and incentivize verified physical activity. It was created as the most effective method to tackle the rising levels of preventable cardiovascular disease and the associated costs it imposes on governments, insurance companies and individuals. Cardio Health's mission is to make working out as thoughtless as possible in 2 ways:1) Provide (high) financial incentives for real exercise data2) Make exercise fun by integrating actual gaming (none of that motivational stuff) Workout from home on Cardio's Metaverse Bike (Metabike) to be released March of 2022. It is the world's first speed-reactive, full-game function integration, VR compatible indoor bike (think the Netflix of exer-gaming).Workout on a gym treadmill installed with Cardio IOT to earn back the cost of your membership. And why not explore the beautiful coasts of New Zealand with your friends while you're running on a Cardio-installed treadmill?