EYES IN™ Magazine releases monthly digital publications via Magzter (http://www.magzter.com/publishers/EYES-IN-CORP) as well as through the award-winning EYES IN™ Magazine app on the Apple Newsstand iTunes Store, Amazon Kindle, Google Play, and Barnes & Noble NOOK.As a publisher covering the world's innovative creators and their masterpieces, EYES IN™ spotlights innovation in fields of architecture, art, beauty, books, culinary arts, culture, design, film, fashion, health, music, photography, real estate, science and travel. We deliver a state-of-the-art visual experience into the minds and works of the most stunning creators. Through digital publication on Apple and Android devices, as well as social media presences on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, FourSquare, Flickr and more, EYES IN™ is a must-follow for art fans interested in global trends and celebrities.EYES IN™ is published by EYES IN™ Corp. in New York, NY.