PROJUVEN means proyecto juvenil (youth project). It stands for something dynamic. For our staff of professionals it means being social entrepreneurs and keeping the passion for social purposes, in a modern concept of NGO. We work on Erasmusplus, COSME, Horizon 2020 and international cooperation. We promote Social Inclusion, European Awareness, Sport Values and green skills.We are an organization, which creates opportunities for young people who would like to be an active, try and learn something new and gain new experience and knowledge for personal and professional development. We want to enrich the educational, social and cultural life of young people living in our country, mainly young people with fewer opportunities. We believe that young people must become a driving force in building the society in which they live and therefore we create various opportunities in order to help shape a generation that is determined to change our country/and world for the better. Summing up, our main goals are:-Individual development of each member;-Acquiring new skills and abilities;-Promote social inclusion using Sport, Nature and Art;-Create link with European Youth Associations;-Develop youth movement all over Europe;-Increase knowledge using non formal education.General objectives:-Promote young mobility, intercultural exchange, volunteer and social cooperation among youngsters;-Promote Youth Employment;-Promote Youth Entrepreneurship;-Stimulate the exchange of ideas and experience, mutual understanding, and equal rights and opportunities among young people in Europe and in the Euromed countries;-Promote intercultural understanding, equal opportunities, respect, active citizenship and solidarity;-Fight discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance;-Promote respect for the nature (ecofriendly attitude) and develop new job opportunities;-Involve young people with less opportunities.