Francielli Carvalho

Designer de produtos at SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda - , ,

Francielli Carvalho's Colleagues at SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda
Divania Hang

Representante de atendimento ao cliente

Contact Divania Hang

Giovani Maccarini

Assistente tecnico comercial.

Contact Giovani Maccarini

Taiane Binte

Assistente administrativo

Contact Taiane Binte

Gessica Serafim

Analista em Comercio Exterior - Mercados Internacionais

Contact Gessica Serafim

View All Francielli Carvalho's Colleagues
Francielli Carvalho's Contact Details
+55 48 3461-7399
Siderópolis,Santa Catarina,Brazil
SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda
Francielli Carvalho's Company Details
SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda logo, SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda contact details

SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda

, , • 34 Employees
Graphic Design

SRS is an Italian company. In Brazil, it began its operations in 1993, in the city of Criciúma, Santa Catarina, at the production of serigraph screens for the ceramic industry.In 1997, the branch of Rio Claro, São Paulo, was created, since the region is a ceramic center, as well as Criciúma. We introduced lots of technology into the market, such as: the use of rotary screens, use of silicone-­‐based screen printing frames, technologies that reduced the production costs and improved the performance of the manufacturing plants of our clients. Some innovations have happened in ceramic and SRS has innovated as well.In the market, we are well-­‐known for the quality of our products, agility, responsibility with our deadlines and good customer service. SRS has become Gruppo SRS, because nowadays it owns the following companies:SRS Comercial, head office in Criciúma-­‐SC, develops the activities below:- Ceramic sector: rotary and flat serigraph screen printing, phenolic resin and/or plaster cylinders and embossments, besides the development of drawings.-Leather / Synthetic sector: printing on phenolic resin boards and development of drawings.-Textile sector: rotary and flat serigraph screen printing and development of drawings.- Furniture sector: printing of rubber cylinders and sleeves for the painting line and development of drawings.SRS Comercial Rio Claro-SP develops the following activities:- Ceramic sector: rotary and flat serigraph screen printing, cylinders and embossments, besides the development of drawings.- Furniture sector: printing of rubber cylinders and sleeves for the painting line and development of drawings.SRS Indústria, working exclusively in the textile area, manufacturing serigraph screens, engraving and erasing nickel cylinders and creating exclusive prints, with head office in Brusque-­SC.Gruppo SRS has about 90 employees distributed at the units of Santa Catarina and São Paulo, with its own facilities that comprise 10,000 m² of build.

Details about SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda
Frequently Asked Questions about Francielli Carvalho
Francielli Carvalho currently works for SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda.
Francielli Carvalho's role at SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda is Designer de produtos.
Francielli Carvalho's email address is *** To view Francielli Carvalho's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Francielli Carvalho works in the Graphic Design industry.
Francielli Carvalho's colleagues at SRS do Brasil Comercial Ltda are Divania Hang, Debona Srs, Giovani Maccarini, Taiane Binte, Everaldo Camilo, Gessica Serafim, Luiz Srs and others.
Francielli Carvalho's phone number is +55 48 3461-7399
See more information about Francielli Carvalho