The American Restoration Coalition is an Arizona-based political action committee and activism group dedicated to restoring constitutionally limited government at the state and federal level.We're just people who desperately want the limited Republic promised by our Constitution: a representative government restricted to specifically enumerated powers that respects the unalienable rights of the individual. We believe that the rights of the individual to life, liberty, and property are not up for debate, that they cannot be bargained away, and that they exist whether or not a government acknowledges their existence. Therefore, we vehemently oppose any government action in violation of these rights.The United States, in many ways, has become less free. The United States has fallen to eighteenth place in the Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World Report. It has the world's highest incarceration rate. The government mandates purchases, taxes our earnings multiple times, and allows the Federal Reserve to devalue our savings by printing money out of thin air. Almost every day that Congress is in session, they levy new restrictions on the people, in clear violation of their rights, on any issue from healthcare to self-defense.