AITEC specialises in supporting client organisations, their personnel and customers by providing educational program management services spanning national post-graduate education programs, graduate placement programs, student internship and work placement programs, AITEC services are applied in diverse industries and sectors such as Defence, Health, Spatial/Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Education and Training, Water and the Environment, Regional Development and Planning, Telecommunications, Information Technology and other industries embracing information-rich technologies. Recent business activity has included the national Defence Engineering Internship Program (DEIP), Voluntary Dental Graduate Year Program (VDGYP), School Business Community Partnership Broker Program (SBCPB) and Oral Health Therapist Graduate Year Program (OHTGYP). AITEC has maintained international quality-assurance accreditation to ISO9001 for over 20 years while also having been accepted as a Defence-Recognised Supplier and SA Defence Ready.