Francisco Baeza

Business Develop Manager at GMA OFFICE - Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Francisco Baeza's Colleagues at GMA OFFICE
Francisco Baeza's Contact Details
Madrid,Community of Madrid,Spain
Francisco Baeza's Company Details
GMA OFFICE logo, GMA OFFICE contact details


Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain • 11 Employees
Information Technology & Services

Somos una empresa de tecnología enfocada en la TRANSFORMACIÓN DIGITAL EN EL LUGAR DE TRABAJOCon una sede española en Madrid y una sucursal en Barcelona, gestionamos proyectos en todo el país para varias organizaciones.Nuestra PROPUESTA DE VALOR se basa en la TRANSFORMACIÓN DIGITAL DE TRABAJO, que entendemos bajo los siguientes temas:IMPRESIÓNSERVICIOS DE MOVILIDADCOMUNICAR Y COLABORARPERSONAS Y PROCESOSJunto con nuestros socios desarrollamos y desplegamos soluciones a medida aplicando tecnología de vanguardia para redefinir procesos para empresas que necesiten adaptarse a la ERA DIGITAL.Nuestro slogan dice: MANAGINIG COMPLEXITY. Comprendemos lo complejo que es el entorno tecnológico de nuestros clientes y el tamaño del desafío que significa cambiar sus organizaciones para sacar provecho de esta mega tendencia que es la TRANSFORMACIÓN DIGITAL. Es por ello que desarrollamos e implementamos soluciones y procesos adaptables, medibles y potentes para las compañías independientemente de su trabajo.Ven y visítanos. Para obtener más información www.gmaoffice.comWe are a technology company focused on WORKPLACE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONWith Spanish head offices in Madrid and branch in Barcelona, we manage projects throughout the whole country for several organisations.Our VALUE PROPOSITION is based on WORKPLACE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, that we understand under the following topicsPRINTINGMOVILITY SERVICESCOMMUNICATE & COLLABORATEPEOPLE & PROCESSESTogether with our partners we develop and deploy tailor made solutions applying cutting edge technology to redefine processes for companies that need to adapt the the DIGITAL ERA.Our tagline says: MANAGINIG COMPLEXITY. We understand how complex is our customers technological environment and the size of the challenge that means changing their organisations to get advantage from this mega trend that DIGITAL TRANSOFRMATION is. This is why we develop and implement adaptable, meassurable and powerful solutions and processes for them. Come and visit us. To learn more

Details about GMA OFFICE
Frequently Asked Questions about Francisco Baeza
Francisco Baeza currently works for GMA OFFICE.
Francisco Baeza's role at GMA OFFICE is Business Develop Manager.
Francisco Baeza's email address is *** To view Francisco Baeza's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Francisco Baeza works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Francisco Baeza's colleagues at GMA OFFICE are Luis Revuelta and others.
Francisco Baeza's phone number is
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