Established in 2006, The Scottish Plumber (Illinois Plumbing License #058-129545) was started by local Chicago plumbers who believe in quality products, innovative services, and honesty in pricing.The company was built on the idea that high quality plumbing service can and should be provided at an affordable price and all other aspects of the business must be managed to this goal.We do this by staying on the cutting edge of plumbing technology, and always looking for better, faster, and less expensive methods. The Scottish Plumber has been using really innovative technology such as Pipe Stent and sewer lining, which have saved our customers countless hours, dollars, and bouts of frustration.Today, the plaid trucks can be seen all over Chicagoland. From Naperville to Lake Forest, from Elgin to Tinley Park, and all over the city of Chicago, our friendly technicians are providing the highest quality plumbing service you can expect, at prices you can afford.