Pdg at Dipartimento di management - Università La Sapienza di Roma - Rome, Lazio, Italy
Associate Professor of Organization and Human Resource Management
Adjunct Professor Retail&Channel Marketing - Management delle Imprese
Within the Management Department of Sapienza, University of Rome, our post-graduate program in Business Management (Manimp) aims at providing students with the knowledge, skills and attitude needed for occupying managerial and entrepreneurial roles within firms, or to work as business consultants. The program offers a learning path that integrates base and transversal knowledge according to an inter-functional and entrepreneurial perspective, which is typical of those who occupy managerial roles.Students can also apply for a double degree program (1° year in London or Berlin and 2° year in Roma) managed by Sapienza, University of Rome and Regent's University of London or e SRH Hochschule of Berlino.Starting from the 2014-2015 academic year, students can apply for the "Business Management" path which will be taught in english.Director of Master of Science: Prof. Gianluca Vagnani