The B4i Group founded the B4 Initiative that received an award in 2018 from the BBBEE Commission for its "outstanding contribution in the sphere of Economic Transformation". The B4i Initiative is a private sector initiative and comprises a national network of companies and service providers that all subscribe to the B4i Empowerment Model ™. Participating companies commit to making a positive contribution towards promoting entrepreneurship and implementing black economic empowerment ("BEE") within the guidelines of this empowerment model. The group has pioneered purpose filled solutions to black economic empowerment with seamlessly integrated solutions in the Enterprise & Supplier Development (ESD) contributions arena such as Futureneers B4I Empowerment, BBBEE-owned, BBBEE-controlled, and Black-managed Section 12J Venture Capital Company. Futureneers B4I Empowerment raises capital from corporates and private companies (through BBBEE ESD Contributions) and then applies such capital by investing in carefully selected commercially viable BEE entities and projects. Over and above supporting a commercially viable empowerment model that can make a real sustainable difference, the benefits to contributors are multiple, including significant BBBEE ESD Scorecard recognition, a full tax break on the entire investment and even equity participation.