Manufacturer of the NUOS platform. NUOS allows patients to communicate and compute using brain signals. Instantly and without any surgery.Visit for more information or contact us via 2017 Canada's FedDev Award Recipient.- 2018 Grand Prize Winner of 2 MIT Competitions: The MIT Future of Healthcare Hacking and the MIT Barracuda Bowl (across all Healthcare disciplines).- 2018 Canada's NRC-IRAP Award Recipient.- 2019 Province of Ontario's MaRS Discovery District Award Recipient.- 2019 Waterloo MedTech Top Start-Up Award Recipient.- 2019 Ontario Centres of Excellence - Province of Ontario Investment Recipient.- 2019 Canada's NRC-IRAP Award Recipient.- 2020 Canada's NRC-IRAP Award Recipient.- 2020 Grand Prize Winner of the inaugural PRAXIS AWARD from the PRAXIS Spinal Cord Institute and the SYNAPSE Life Science Consortium.- 2020 Canada's Mitacs Award Recipient.- 2021 Ontario Centre of Innovation Award Recipient.- Cohort Member of The Waterloo Accelerator Centre.- Cohort Member of COMMUNITECH's Strategic Growth Team (MedTech Stream).- Cohort Member of The Creative Destruction Lab (Artificial Intelligence Stream).- Cohort Member of INDIE BIO / SOSV (IB6 - San Francisco / Silicon Valley), the World's leading Life Science Accelerator.- Cohort Member of The Creative Destruction Lab (COVID-19 - Global Stream).- Specialization: Non-Invasive Neurological Communication and Computing, Neurodegeneration, Trauma, Stroke, Minimally-Conscious State, Locked-In Syndrome, Vegetative State, Post-Coma, Cardiovascular Diseases, Alzheimer's Disease, COVID-19.- Speaker at SXSW (Austin), INDIE BIO Demo Day (San Francisco), CORRIDOR (Silicon Valley, Toronto, Waterloo), TRUE NORTH, the 'TECH FOR GOOD' Festival (Waterloo), NEUROTECH2020 (Global).- Published in FAST COMPANY, TechCrunch, BUSINESS INSIDER, MM&M, Nanalyze, Forbes and The Royal Society, the World's oldest scientific academy.