MVC, Mtwara Volunteer Crew, initially came into being from the concerns of two people: Maria Antoraz Alonso (Spain) and Amin Sinani (Tanzania) in 2007. They saw the needs that the Tanzanian region of Mtwara was suffering from, formely because Amin was born and raised there and latterly because Maria had visited the country on several occasions. They did not want to stand arms crossed and managed to transmit their enthusiasm to their family and closest friends. This enthusiasm was reflected in their first trip to Tanzania in summer 2008: A group of friends and family who shared common motivations, despite their different experiences and skills, worked together to find out more about the reality of the area. This was made possible through support and collaboration of the Honorable Member of Parliament Mr Mohammed Sinani, both in the preparation of the trip and in hosting of MVC members that went there voluntarily. Their action would be reflected in areas that remain a priority in our organization: Children, in particular the access and promotion of education. Empowerment of rural women Infrastructure.