Frank E. Allen & Associates, Inc. has been serving the Human Resource staffing needs of major Fortune companies on a national basis, for almost 30 years. We enjoy the reputation of being one of the most successful firms in the profession. The battle to recruit top talent has never been more competitive. If your company has tried to hire a proven performer or a candidate with executive leadership potential recently, you know the talent pool is shallow. Those are the facts. With that in mind, a realistic approach to effective staffing is to consider using Frank E. Allen & Associates. There are all sorts of sources out there to find candidates. Use a big name search firm and pay lots of up front money but with no guarantee; or use the job boards and hope decent candidate responds. And while the price may be right, the odds are against you. Top talent doesn't waste time surfing the job boards. So, ask yourself, what does 29 years of HR staffing get me. Results. - How? We know, and have a rapport with talented HR people supported by our data base of over 40,000 professionals including yourself. We will get you that hirable candidate within 2 weeks with day to day cooperation. Worth a try? All it takes is a phone call. Mark E. Allen Frank E. Allen & Associates, Inc. Fine Artisans in the Craft of Recruiting Proven HR Talent P.O. Box 537 Mendham, NJ 07945 ; 973 886-5942