The Mobile Film Classroom (MFC) aims to develop the next generation of storytellers by bringing digital media training to underserved youth to increase diversity in the fields of media, entertainment, and technology. We value voices that bring different perspectives and life experiences, in the power of authentic storytelling to connect us as human beings, and we believe that every child should have equal access to arts education, technology, and experienced teaching artists. With our "Grab and Go" kits of iPads, microphones, lights, tripods and mobile recording booth, our instructors work with students throughout Los Angeles County by offering programs in-school and after-school workshops for grades 3 -12, as well as professional development for educators. Instructors guide students through the creation process as they take part in every aspect of production, whether writing, filming, narrating or film and music editing. We serve students in schools, foster care homes, special needs camps, and libraries throughout Los Angeles to even the educational playing field in a landscape where technology and teaching resources were not always available.