420 Interactive, or 420i, operates as an incubator / accelerator for companies and brands in the legal cannabis industry. Our primary focus is to assist clients in developing reputable brand authority and viable business models within the cannabis market. Our intent is to create aligned incentives between 420 Interactive and client partners through low-impact fee structures, equity-based positions, revenue share agreements, organic branding and messaging, and a dedicated support team. We partner with premium, top-shelf cannabis brands and ventures to launch or strategically strengthen their presence in the cannabis market. Our team routinely provides critical assistance in key areas including: investment, strategy, legal services, branding and marketing, distribution, web design and development, SEO, and advertising. We create, develop, and grow brand presence and authority through proven digital channels, marketing strategies, and organic messaging. Our in-house team is capable of developing and distributing engaging content across a multitude of publishers relevant to the cannabis space, serving as a creative solution for partner brands. Finally, through our strategic cannabis media partnerships, such as High Times Media, The Weed Blog, & Jade Maple Network, we are able to directly reach the target consumer markets of emerging cannabis brands.In 2018, our team served as the Agency of Record for High Times during their Regulation A+ stock offering. Our efforts in the campaign contributed to a massive success with $13.2 million raised from over 17,000 investors.