CFK Financial is an independent retirement planning firm serving individuals and families across the greater Atlanta area and beyond. We provide investment advisory services, retirement income planning strategies, long-term care solutions, and make available estate planning and tax preparation services to our clients through third-party legal and tax professionals.At CFK Financial, our goal is to help make retirement planning satisfying and enjoyable. Retirement is a journey, not just a destination.As with every journey, you need to know when you are now, then figure out where you want to go and how you want to get there. We help you to create a road map for your entire trip. Then we use a variety of financial vehicles that can help you move toward your goals.The plan for retirement should be as unique as you are. There's a lot more to it them simply reaching a numerical savings target or following oft-repeated maxims. Visit our website to explore how we can guide you!Thank you for visiting CFK Financial Page on Linked In. We are part of a highly regulated industry and therefore have some strict rules on replying to comments. If you do not hear from us, or we remove posts because they do not fall within specific guidelines, please do not take it personally. CFK Financial reserves the right to remove any comments on the page that are exaggerated, misleading, or fraudulent.No Testimonials – Industry regulations prevent us from posting comments about how well or how poorly anyone feels about working with CFK Financial.[Firm's] use of the "like" button is not an endorsement of the organization or individual who posted the content. All content, "likes", and followers of this page should not be considered as testimonials or advertisements. Investment Advisory Services are offered through Retirement Wealth Advisors (RWA). CFK Financial and RWA are not affiliated.