Golden Gate BPO Solutions provides multi-channel contact center, customer engagement and business process outsourcing services.In addition, we provide strategic consulting, legal, and advisory services for many clients spanning business and operational improvement and restructuring, financial analysis and planning, technology procurement and implementation, and sales, marketing and brand enhancement.Our customer engagement centers are located in the United States, Dominican Republic, Belize, and the Philippines, from which we offer multi-lingual voice, email, web chat, social media, back-office, online help desk and automated support.Our Client Philosophy:> You are Important and Need Someone that Values your Business and Relationship> You deserve Personal Attention to help Drive Operational Excellence and address ‘Inevitable Change'> You should have a Partner that puts Your Needs in Front of their Own and Doesn't Cut CornersAbove all, the following represents our Overall Commitment to People, Business and our Industry:RESOURCEOur Opinions, Advice, Decisions, Recommendations or Offer of Help Place Your Needs FirstUNDERSTANDINGYour Business and Your Needs and What we Believe Will Best Serve Your NeedsRELATIONSHIPSForge Life-Long RelationshipsPERSPECTIVETransparent and Honest Advice based on our own Successes and FailuresSpecialties: Contact Center and CRM Solutions, Consulting, Vendor Management, BPO Services, Data Analytics, Work Force Management and Quality Assurance