Enhanced Funding Solutions (EFS) is a specialty financial services firm with expertise in premium financed life insurance. Founded by Jeff Faine, our firm's philosophy and approach hinges on the experience of our partners as practitioners, but more importantly from the experience of our partners as insureds and policyowners first. All partners at EFS have sat in the shoes of the client and have owned financed life insurance policies on their lives and their family's lives for a minimum of 15 years. The value in the experience as a client first, lends to a unique ability to expertly manage premium financing solutions. We have strong and unique relationships with both insurance carriers and specialty lenders, with whom we will continue to evolve and create strategies to place our clients in the strongest possible financial position.We have strong relationships with insurance carriers and lenders, but we are in alignment with our clients. Our only aim is in our firm's name, SOLUTIONS. We are in the business of delivering the best solutions for our clients. We do this with our relationships, we do this with our experience, but most importantly we do this by providing clear transparency to our clients by delivering them unbiased facts and the absolute best solution, every time.