Pace Consulting Group is a premier search firm that specializes in the strategic placement of seasoned professionals across a broad range of industries. We place special emphasis on matching the talents and skillsets of our candidates to the employers who are searching for top talent. In order to ensure that we deliver exceptional value Pace Consulting Group prizes three specific qualities: state of the art technology, industry expertise, and process. In order to maximize the efficiency of our practice, to ensure that our clients are seeing results quickly, we utilize the most state of the art search practices. We search from every platform and every competitor to ensure that our clients are getting the very best. This state of the art technology is a compliment to our ability to value engineer through industry insight and expertise. Knowing where to look, whom to speak with, and what our candidates know and value is as important to us as salary requirements and benefits. Lastly, we prize process. By continually developing new relationships and fostering pre-existing ones, our processes ensure that the quality of what we do is industry-leading.