RUPCO is the region’s leading provider of and advocate for quality, affordable housing and community development programs aimed to provide opportunity and revitalize communities. Since 1981, we've led the region in -- creating and maintaining quality, sustainable housing and rental opportunities, -- inspiring understanding and acceptance of affordable housing initiatives, -- fostering community development and revitalization, and -- providing opportunity to people to improve their living standards. In that time, we've -- established a successful track record as a leader in the creation and improvement of quality, sustainable housing, -- created strong partnerships locally and nationally, and -- maintained a fiscally healthy balance sheet, allowing for flexibility and agility in providing services. Originally named the Rural Ulster Preservation Company, RUPCO now stands for EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. As we continue to grow and evolve, we stay true to our original mission – to lead the creation of better communities for all through our work. Our vision is for strong, vibrant and diverse communities with opportunity and a home for everyone. Join us in service to a shared mission and vision. Explore our site to learn what we do, why it matters, and how you can work with us. We hope you’ll engage with us because everyone benefits when we strengthen homes, communities, and lives.