Rentricity Inc. is the nation's leader in producing clean, renewable energy from hydrokinetic applications in drinking water distribution systems, industrial water systems, and wastewater systems. The company is based in New York City with an office at the Varick Street Business Incubator, which is supported by the New York City Accelerator for a Clean & Renewable Economy (NYC ACRE). Rentricity focuses on an innovative application of hydrokinetic power generation. Water continuously flows through mains and offers the capability to generate electricity year-round, 24 hours per day. Over-pressurization occurs where water is stored at significantly higher elevation than the customers it serves, and must therefore flow downhill to reach them. Utilities and industrial manufacturers typically install pressure reduction valves ("PRVs") – usually hydraulic devices that maintain pre-set pressure ranges – to relieve the excess pressure. However, PRVs do not perform useful work with the dissipated energy. Rentricity's Flow-to-Wire℠ systems mimic the functionality of PRVs while converting the excess pressure into clean electric power. Wastewater, industrial outfall and recycling facilities that return water to natural bodies of water or reservoirs are also addressable using Rentricity's energy recovery systems. For more information please visit