Our PhilosophyOur philosophy is simple: provide the best shopping experience a client can have at the lowest price possible. We believe shopping for electronics should be fun and therefore we have created a store that would stimulate your senses. The design is captivating, the music inviting and the display of a wide variety of products surprisingly comforting.What is more surprising is that you find all that at a price tag you find hard to believe. But we don't stop at appearance and good prices. what we really pride ourselves with is the great service.Our staff will let you all you want to know about a product - including prices at our competitors! Our managers are trained to provide you (almost) all that you want. If we don't have a product they will get it for you and if you believe you are entitled for a discount they have the flexibility of providing it! We want to earn your business every inch of the way! To all of you, from all of us at Electric Avenue - Thank you and happy shoppingSam BenzacarPresident - Electric Avenue Inc.