Åeditel závodu / Plant Manager at Simoldes Plasticos Czech s.r.o. - Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic
Simoldes Plastic Division is a set of companies belonging to Simoldes Group, with headquarters in Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal. Founded in 1959, group began exporting in 1961. Since 1968, Simoldes is working for automotive industry.Simoldes Group – Plastic Division is divided in nine companies situated in Portugal, France, Brasil, Polska, Czech Republic and Morocco.Simoldes is one of the few groups with capacity to support and produce for main OEMs like Renault, Volvo, VW, Audi, Nissan, Toyota, Porsche, Honda, Mercedes, GM, Mitsubishi, Bébéconfort and AmtrolAlfa.Our plant in Czech Republic in Lipovka has started its activities in 2015. Over the few years of existence, a lot has changed. We have grown in terms of the number of employees and obviously in terms of the number and range of interesting projects for our clients.