The Animation Centrifuge – Encouraging excellence in Animation EducationThe Animation Centrifuge is the brain-child of Fraser MacLean (formerly of Disney and Warner Bros.) and James Williams (Sony Pictures Animation). Established in 2016, it is an ‘animation dating agency' created to encourage the transfer of knowledge between industry and education.The Animation Centrifuge provides access to a network of experienced Animation and Visual Effects professionals who are keen to share their knowledge, experience and skills with students and other aspiring Animation and VFX artists, technicians and producers. By emphasising practical, vocational teaching, based on industry models, we aim to boost skills, improve employability, encourage excellence and stimulate the moving image industries; from Movies, TV and Games, through to motion and information graphics used in manufacturing, design and other industries.The Animation Centrifuge has been established in collaboration with Once Were Farmers animation studio and freelance character designer, Ryan Adams.