Juan Daniel Roa Alegría, at the age of 17, died suddenly, leaving a deep void in the hearts of many people.He was a young man that loved deeply, throughout his life he strove to give the best of himself, he had a great desire to find answers to life's questions. He loved studying and being able to explain in simple words what sometimes seemed very complex, which was a sign of his humility.He liked to set himself very high challenges and thanks to this he achieved excellent results. He was always very measured in his needs, saying that we all had to go back to basics. He enjoyed playing chess and used it to clear his mind and relax. He was in his last year of school and his goal was to get the best grades for scholarships so that he could pay for his higher education without his parents having to bear the cost.He was a very charitable young man; he liked to help and care for everyone. Day by day with his smile he conquered friendships. His aspiration was not material things but to find the meaning of things.His departure, both sudden and painful, leaves a huge void between us. This time he has flown very high, and we know that from heaven he will continue to intercede for the people he loved.