PLAST-AX Rotational Moulders Mould design & heavy duty plastic manufacture in NZProviding extremely heavy duty bulk containment solutions:Food & Meat Processing, Waste & Recycling, Spill ContainmentIn the PLAST-AX journey of advancing our market leading abilities - team talent, CAD design, mould & pattern making, manufacturing processes - we redefine how LDPE can be moulded to create a product of value for your industry.Bulk Containment• Offal & Hide Bins• Industrial Box Pallet Bins• Tannery & Food Processing Bins• Twin Wall Insulated Cold Storage & Transport Bins• Meat Tubs, Dixie Trays & Tote Boxes• Open Top & Closed Top Drums Waste & Recycling Bins• Front End Load (FEL) - 1.5m3, 2m3, 3m3• Rotatable Stackable Collection Bins (600L-1250L)Secondary Containment Bunding• IBC Spill Pallets 1100L• Floor Drum Bunds• Pallet Bunding Trays 1.2m2• Drip Stations & Dispenser Units our full product range please visit our website: item is moulded with care in our factory at4 Leamington Street, Wanganui, New Zealand.We don't believe in production before perfection:We believe in perfect production.You can trust us to get it right first time, every time.All our products our made using FDA approved food grade Low Density Polyethylene that is UV stabilised and chemical resistant. This allows us to provide high impact and crack resistant bins with no rust, no colour fade that are considerably lighter than bins made from other composites. This is especially required in food, meat, fish and poultry processing, rendering plants and tanneries. We work with waste & recycling collection companies to ensure that these benefits can be accessed by all in the disposal cycle of industrial refuse.