Commercial Partnerships, Executive EMEA at momondo & KAYAK - Copenhagen Office
momondo is a free, independent and inspirational global travel search site comparing billions of cheap flights, hotels and car hire deals. We offer a bold and colourful travel universe that provides complete price transparency across flights, hotels and cars, inspiring – and enabling – everyone to explore our wonderful world. A global company founded by passionate people, we believe that everyone should be able to travel the world because crossing borders and travelling makes us more open-minded and tolerant. Our vision is of a world where our differences are a source of inspiration and development, not intolerance and prejudice. Our purpose is to give courage and encourage each one of us to stay curious and be open-minded so we can all enjoy a better, more diversified world. We were founded in 2006 and are based in Copenhagen, Denmark. momondo is managed by KAYAK, part of Booking Holdings Inc. Stay curious.