Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County operates the county's only emergency homeless shelter. Our shelter has a maximum capacity of 36 persons, with separate dormitories for single men and women, and five family rooms. Since opening in October 2005, we have provided over 100,000 bed nights to those experiencing homelessness in and around Tuscarawas County. In our efforts to prevent residents from becoming homeless again and returning to the shelter once they secure stable housing, we provide access to a number of programs that address some of the underlying causes of homelessness. We assess every individual upon intake, and link them in to the appropriate agencies, such as primary care doctors, mental health professionals, personal and/or substance abuse counselors, parenting classes, housing assistance, and job skills training. Through our affiliations with various colleges and organizations, like Kent State University Tuscarawas, Stark State College, and the Compass Center, we are able to provide residents with on-site life skills groups that focus on teaching the skills needed to secure and maintain stable housing and employment. In 2013, Friends of the Homeless opened the area's first men's recovery house, Pathway to Wellness. Located in a separate facility with housing for five men, the Pathway program focuses on supporting the long-term recovery from substance abuse and addiction.