S.E.E.D Special Interest Group (S.E.E.D SIG) was founded by graduates of Diploma in Information Technology from Singapore Polytechnic. They aim to invite like minded DMIT students who believe in having serious fun while accumulating IT experience, cultivate successful habits and ultimately make a difference in their three year study in DMIT. S.E.E.D members have thus then participated in various hackathons that build their capability and discover a world of possibilities.S.E.E.D now not only consists of people from people from Singapore Polytechnic, through going to more industry related events, S.E.E.D has reached out to like minded people in Singapore.S.E.E.D:Share - Sharing is caringExplore - We love to exploreEnrichment - Enrich ourselves with the different aspects of ITDevelop - Not only do we develop cool stuff like mobile apps, we develop ourselves