Since its creation Petrifond has successfully completed over 3,000 contracts. These include the complete range of deep foundation services: slurry walls and trenches, marine caissons and piling, driven piles of all types: H, tube, sheet, expanded base, precast: drilled caissons and shafts, shoring and underpinning, piles drilled into permafrostPetrifond has focused especially on the more difficult and challenging foundation projects involving: deep cut-off walls through hard soils, bouldery glacial till, conglomerate and rock – to depths of 240 feet, battered marine rock socketed caissons on bare rock in 28 foot tide, 14 foot diameter rock socketed marine caissons, diffusers in the St. Lawrence river – to 140 feet below water level, large multi-rig projects of 2000 to 6000 piles/caissons, specialized equipment and skills have been developed accordingly.