CEO, Founder, Executive Coach, Team Facilitator & Organizational Leadership at 3 C's Coaching - Belvedere Tiburon, California, United States
3 C's Coaching is based on the principal of Creating Conscious Change. • Creating clarity comes first. That means creating a deeper awareness of who you really are, what you truly want, and what's holding you back.• From clarity we create a road map. Through a lens of strengths we evaluate your opportunities and identify your new direction.• Then you create the changes you desire. We will work together to design a path forward and I will support you along the way. My company offers coaching for individuals, team, and executives. We also offer workshop including "Listen In: Create the Life you Deserve" and "The Human Element Course" that will develop this group as well as organizations in general. We have had success delivering these workshops and coaching people from friends and family to C-suite executives.I believe we are all here for a specific reason and purpose. However, life can present an array of challenges that can disconnect us from that purpose. Together, we can probe the right questions and employ effective techniques that inspire you to operate with a higher level of consciousness, helping you to overcome obstacles and create momentum toward positive change. Whether you are an executive, a middle manager, an entrepreneur, or a staff member or whether you need to resolve a specific issue or feel the need to make a significant shift in your life I am here to help, so feel feel free to reach out and connect!"As a human being, you are inherently resourceful and have within you all the tools you need to feel successful, powerful, and happy. My goal is to empower you to use those inner resources and make every moment of your life fully conscious and gratifying."Warmly,Gabriela Buich