Expert achizitii publice at Frontier Management Consulting - Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Frontier Management Consulting is a private independent company established in 2004 having themission to provide complete business development and management consultancy services to SMEs mainly aswell as RTDs institutes / centers & universities for a sustainable development, creation of a competitive economyand a knowledge based society in Romania. FRONTIER is closely working with private sector in Romania.The professional involvement and successfully results of our consultants and pool of experts for private clients proveour experience and achievements in various activity fields such as: entrepreneurship, SMEs development (severalstart-ups & spinoffs have been initiated), regional development, innovation and research, human resourcesdevelopment, education, in health, manufacturing industry, ICT, energy sectors. The consultants of FRONTIER have specific and tested experience in management, economy, financial, public procurement, research and analysis issues. During last 10 years, FRONTIER experience was based on provision of services & intensive participation at proposals writing and projects/contracts implementation for public and private clients under various national or international financing schemes, such as Structural Funds 2007-2013 (Increase Competitiveness Operational Program, with specific schemes for start-ups development), Structural Funds 2014- 2020 (Competitiveness Operational Program with schemes for initiation of startups and spinoffs as well as development of RDI infrastructures within SMEs and large companies), H2020, FP7, FP6, National Plan for RDI 2007-2013, National Plan for RDI 2014-2020) – more than 80 proposals.