EXPERIMENTALISTA is a novel type of creative studio specialized in cities, public imagination and system change. We constantly shift-shape to accommodate high-level, transdisciplinary collaborations across the world.Here, urban and political scientists work closely with artists, philosophers and other disciplines related to the humanities. We gather communities around questions, driven by exploration, curiosity and a relentless belief in our collective capacity to create more imaginative realities for all. For us narrative strategies are just as important as hard data; human rights are entangled with aesthetics; our subjective lives and personal beliefs are as much an area of inquiry as their objective social manifestations.We also know experimentation is only the beginning. Ideas must take on a life of their own. Drawing from several fields and methodologies, we focus on what is needed to create deep culture shifts at different scales and depths - from a megalopolis, to a single block or company; from foundational research to experimentation on the ground; from quick, concentrated skill-building to long-term project implementation. And every detail is tailor-made for the project at hand: teams, governance structure and beyond.Official kick-off: October 2020Already working with several cities and mayors across the world.