Time for Kids is a not-for-profit, early intervention service established in 1960 to prevent disadvantaged children from entering the juvenile justice system. Today, we continue to work with children and young people who experience various forms of disadvantage and are high in the risk factors associated with youth offending and poor life outcomes. The Time for Kids program matches children in need with individuals and families who play a significant role in their life over many years, complementing and adding to our children's existing family structures. In the relationships they form with our children, our carers become aunts and uncles, big brothers and sisters, providing positive role models and practical and emotional support that enable our children to thrive. Through our unique program of volunteer care and support, Time for Kids opens a doorway on experiences and opportunities that would not otherwise be available to our children. This builds children's resilience and capacity to respond positively to the challenges in their lives. It empowers and equips children and young people to set and successfully pursue alternative aspirations for their lives, as so many of our children have done for over 50 years. Evaluation has shown our program to have a truly transformative effect on the lives of children and young people in need. In 2009, Time for Kids received a National Crime and Violence Prevention Award in recognition of the impact of our program on eliminating youth offending. Time for Kids is governed by a volunteer management board. A small, professional staff group works in collaboration with hundreds of dedicated volunteer carers to establish and maintain children's successful placement within the program.