Gabrielle Nasri

VP operations at ça va de soi - Montreal, QC, CA

Gabrielle Nasri's Contact Details
ça va de soi
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ça va de soi

Montreal, QC, CA • 20 - 49 Employees
Apparel Retail

TRICOT - KNITWEAR manufacturer - specialty concept store - Italian yarns -L'âme des tricots ça va de soi naîtdu temps de bien choisir ses fibres parmi les plusnobles, laines douceur ou chaleur issues de terreséloignées, cotons rares d'Égypte qui portent la signaturedes sols qui les ont vus pousser. Le temps derencontrer les maîtres-fileurs les plus réputés aumonde, ceux d'Italie, qui donnent corps, éléganceet couleur à la matière brute. Le temps de bienfaire les choses, de soigner le détail imperceptiblequi confère à la simplicité son unicité, et qui éliminentles frontières des saisons, des époques et des générations.--The soul of ça va de soi sweaters stems from the time it takes to choose fibres carefully:the finest soft and warm wools from farawaylands, and the rarest Egyptian cottons that bearthe name of the soil that witnessed them grow.The time we've taken to meet master spinners fromItaly — the best in the world — who give body,elegance and colour to the raw materials. The timeto do things well and to pay attention to the imperceptibledetails that transform clothing from simpleto unique, and that eliminates the boundariesbetween seasons, eras and generations.

Cashmere (13-15 Micron) Extra-Fine Merino (15 micon) Egyptian Cotton (ELS) Silk - Cashmere Fine knitwear Fine t-shirts Natural Yarns
Details about ça va de soi
Frequently Asked Questions about Gabrielle Nasri
Gabrielle Nasri currently works for ça va de soi.
Gabrielle Nasri's role at ça va de soi is VP operations.
Gabrielle Nasri's email address is *** To view Gabrielle Nasri's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Gabrielle Nasri works in the Apparel & Fashion industry.
Gabrielle Nasri's colleagues at ça va de soi are Madeleine Massicotte, Alexandre Rochette, Sophie-Aude Theriault, Madeleine Jones, Basma Bouch, Dilara Omeroglu, Elpidio Sanchez and others.
Gabrielle Nasri's phone number is 514-288-3355
See more information about Gabrielle Nasri