LCM Genect is a newly founded Italian company committed to the development of scientifically proven and ground-breaking molecular diagnosis and pharmacogenetics tests, and to the development of Precision Medicine. Our goal is to ensure technological breakthroughs as well as to deliver accurate and reliable tests, so that their outcomes may be used to determine and personalise therapy protocols, bringing tangible benefits to everyone's life. Thanks to LCM's history in the pharmaceutical industry going as far back as 1982 and to the vast experience of our founding members in the field of diagnostics, LCM Genect can claim scientific and commercial credibility. The scientific expertise of renowned Clinical Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics scholar and R&D head Prof. Ferrari, as well as LCM's entrepreneurship, inspire us to tirelessly pursue innovation. Our top-level scientific support will favour the introduction of new tests. Patients will benefit greatly from the results of reproducible and robust CE-marked tests. In our vision, molecular diagnosis and pharmacogenetics can become an opportunity for everyone, enaling patients to reap the benefits of research through optimal prevention and therapy. LCM Genect is committed to being a touchstone for health protection knowledge, spearheading its growth and circulation, grounding our identity and our work on the following guiding values: Scientific expertise, Innovation, Proficiency and Tradition.