We are an addiction recovery education video production & distribution company located in the Hudson Valley of NY State. We provide the very best educational videos on addiction treatment, work-readiness, transition, women's issues, gambling addiction, anger management, life skills and relapse prevention. Some of our programs are researched and produced by our own crew and the others are made by fine producers and addiction treatment specialists around the country. We think you'll find them useful as teacher resources and educational materials. We're not the biggest of the addiction treatment educational materials suppliers. We don't want to be, because we enjoy the personal contact with our customers. We want to offer the best in products and services, specializing in drug abuse/chemical dependency resources for treatment and recovery counselors. Let us know what you think of our efforts! We started this business in 1987 when Donna Boundy, social worker & co-author with Arnold Washton of "Willpower's Not Enough", got together with Bart Friedman, videographer/artist, & Tom Colello, mental health counselor and video producer, to create "Staying Off Cocaine" with Dr. Arnold Washton. Many more of you have come to know us through our NIDA-funded series, "Beat the Street: Clean and Sober in the City" which won awards from the National Educational Media Network and the New York International Film Festival.