Imagine a completely different experience when it comes to early years professional learning and development events, quality and compliance advice and support and practical solutions for almost every problem facing early years services.From beginning to end Astute gives you an experience that is legendary. We devote ourselves to understanding the early years profession, the many and varied early years service contexts and their individual communities and when we combine this with your goals, magic happens.Raising the bar on quality provision in the early years, we work with owners, managers, leaders and educators in* Compliance audits, action plans and your continuous improvement process* Education, program and practice reviews with a unique educational leader approach* Professional Learning & Development * Simulated assessment and rating visits* Support in preparing for your assessment and rating visit* Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) development* Customised professional learning and development for team members on all aspects of the National Quality Framework, including the National Quality Standard, the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Law, and* Coaching and mentoring to ensure the team is doing the right thing; at the right time; with the right resources, and in the right way.But it's our Signature Piece that gets real change happening - when we tell people about our signature piece they love it and can't wait to jump on board – it's not for the faint hearted though – it's a 12 week program and a long term commitment to continuous improvement, quality and leadership throughout your service and action action action. If this is what your seeking, then our intensive Support Program is for you!Call us - we love a chat - about they ways in which Astute can support your team to deliver long term, quality outcomes for children, families, community. All the while building a dedicated, informed team of professionals!