Wholesale Hand-Painted Oil Paintings and Custom FramesAll of our oil paintings are 100% hand-painted by one of our professional, experienced artists. Our artists begin with an empty canvas and create magic that you will be able to enjoy for many years. Our oil paintings are not machine or computer made prints or canvas giclees. Each and every brushstroke is completely hand-painted with special attention give to detail and utilizing only the highest quality oil paints and canvas. Each oil painting is cared for through the entire painting process and our quality control team visually inspects every oil painting before it is shipped.At Art Oyster you can purchase direct at wholesale prices with no middleman. You will find that our pricing is far below retail gallery pricing with the same or better quality. We are the supplier for retail galleries, framing companies, interior designers, interior decorators, retail store owners, builders, office building managers, home staging companies and real estate professionals. With our high volume purchasing power, low overhead, non-brick and mortars approach, we are able to pass the savings onto our customers. We strive to make great art affordable to everyone.