Wave Academy is a nonprofit in San Diego, CA that provides aquatic therapy to veterans who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress and their caregivers. Aquatic Therapy uses the properties of water—including warmth, buoyancy and fluid movements — to help clients heal from physical, mental and other traumas. In Wave Academy's treatment modality, the recipient is immersed in 96-degree water, where a licensed aquatic practitioner supports and gently guides them through graceful, fluid movements while applying pressure to specific points on the body and lightly massaging muscles. This thoroughly stretches the spine and body while promoting a sense of peace and relaxation so complete that the recipient tends to "surrender" more, enabling the body and mind to move beyond the limitations that gravity or fear would otherwise impose.Testimony from Wave Academy client Amanda Smith, Army veteran:"I returned from combat 10 years ago and had PTSD and thought this is just the way I am now – angry, mad, aggressive. After the first treatment session, I asked – is this what it's like to feel relaxed? I hadn't felt that way in years and years."Visit our website to learn more about how Wave Academy is working to heal our veteran population!