Gala Magriñá Design is a Commercial and Residential Interior Design Agency based in New York City with worldwide production and installation capabilities. From Gala- "In terms of my process, I am guided by our clients' desires and needs, the story we want to tell, my intuition and the inspiration I have collected from my travels and every day life. I am also Feng Shui certified and love to incorporate the practice into projects - but always through the lens of modern design and in line with our clients' tastes. Mix in the incredible eye of my team, a collective OCD we all have when it comes to the details, and you have standout interiors that move you and make you feel right at home." Gala Magriñá Design manages projects from initial concept to final installation. Services include Commercial, Residential, Project Management, Custom Fabrication, Feng Shui Consultation, CAD + 3D Renderings, Graphic Design, Technology and Staging.